[세미나안내] 11월 9일(수) Prof. Hiromichi Ohta/ 홋카이도 대학교
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<일시> 2022년 11월 9일(수) 10시 30분
<장소> 제1물리관 317호
<연사> Prof. Hiromichi Ohta / 홋카이도대학교
<제목> Materials Science to Materials Technology-Fundamentals using epitaxial films to application using polycrystalline or amorphous
<초록>I would like to share my works on epitaxial thin film growth of functional oxides and their applications.
In order to develop practical materials, I firstly study fundamental physics of the epitaxial films first, then I study the way how to fabricate the polycrystalline or amorphous that show good properties.
Today, I would explain how to fabricate epitaxial thin films of complex oxides with layered structure and their application.